Monday, 23 February 2015

New Logo

Hey Guys,

Just wanted to write a quick post about my new logo! So, here it is:
Yep, its massive, and that isn't even the full size(The wonder of infinitely scalable vector graphics) I used ArtRage to create the actual brain, so mainly the right side. I then took this image into Corel Draw 12 to create the whole "PCB" look. I intended to put all of the basic parts of an actual computer, just for a laugh. I have the CPU at the bottom, and that is a 6502 processor. This is the processor that was in the old BBC micro, back in the 1980s, and, for all of you pedantic people out there, I know the 6502 processor is DIL(Dual In Line) but by the time that I had remembered, it was too late. The GPU is an Mvidia GTX960(Mvidia for Matt Nvidia) And also, I found it a bit ironic that a 6502 from the 80s is working with a top-notch modern day GTX960 The hard drive sometimes has difficulty remembering what it is, so it is quite happy when it does remember. the piece at the top goes to the other side of the brain.

I will be using this logo for twitter and google+ at the moment, and if I ever need it for more stuff, then I will. I know this isn't a full computer, as it needs RAM and a power supply etc. but I am not looking for perfection, I am looking for a good logo that I can use. It is themed upon the fact that the left side of you brain is used for logic, and the right side is used for creativity, hence the circuit being on the left.

Make sure to keep checking here to see the latest tech news!

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